Pivot is a Medium Rare template exclusive to Webflow. Browse more templates here.


Rewards & Loyalty Program

Loyalty Program to retain customers and increase lifetime value.

Easy setup for everyone. Get rewards loyalty program running within minutes.

Powering ecommerce marketing for brands you love

Full Language Customizations

Translate widget to any language you want, even Na'vi!

Customizable Styles

Theme and customize widget styles based on store design.


Create seasonal campaigns to drive revenue during promotional periods.

Member Profile

Identify high value customers and keep track of points activity.

Additional Features

Zero Code Installation

One-click widget installation that just works

Email Notifications

Notify your customers on points changes.

Points Adjustment

Use points adjustment to handle points change for custom rewards campaigns.

Migration Import

To migrate from other rewards loyalty platform, Reperks allows you to import existing members data and points via CSV. Feel free to contact us if you need assistance to migrate to Reperks.

Reperks Pricing

Additional Usage Charges
  • $1 per 1000 email sends.
Up to 200 orders per month. Usage charge applies separately.
Additional Usage Charges
  • $1 per 1000 email sends.
Up to 500 orders per month. Usage charge applies separately.
Additional Usage Charges
  • $1 per 1000 email sends.
Up to 1500 orders per month. Usage charge applies separately.
Additional Usage Charges
  • $1 per 1000 email sends.
Unlimited orders. Access to all features with no limits. Usage charge applies separately.

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